Economy - a science, in my opinion, concerning more to natural sciences, rather than to the exact sciences. At the decision-making, based on the economic analysis and exact calculations, correct preparation business - the plan, as a rule, realization of projects passes smoothly, means are spent rationally, results are visible already at the first stages of its realization. It is very important, if the considered Project, has no analogues, bears in itself considerable incomes, promotes attraction of a great number of investors and it is calculated on long time. Today, at the height of the world economic crisis, the Project offered by me, not only answers everything above listed to requirements on presence of economic preconditions, but also provides global changes in state of Israel existence. That the demonstrative base of the Civil-engineering design the Trance of the Israeli ship canal was weightier, to me it seems pertinent on this stage to acquaint all with the data about Suez Canal. Suez Canal connects Port Said on Mediterranean Sea and Suez on Red sea. Transportation ofz Canal connects Port Said on Mediterranean Sea and Suez on Red sea. Transportation of cargoes through the channel remains to one of the cheapest and safe ways of transportation of the goods between Europe and Asia by the sea transport. Opened for navigation in 1869 the channel long time was under control of Frenchmen and Englishmen. On July, 26th, 1956 the president of Egypt Gamal Abdel Naser declared its nationalization. Operation of this water corridor is one of the basic sources of currency receipts in the Egyptian treasury along with export of hydrocarbons, tourist sector and remittances of the Egyptians working in other countries. Now through the channel annually pass more than 30 thousand courts under flags more than 100 countries of the world. In the sum they transport about 300 million tons of various cargoes. Through the channel passes 14 % of total amount of world trade, the most part of oil transportations from area of Persian Gulf to Europe and America. In 2007-2008 financial year Suez Canal has achieved record incomes in 5 billion 113 million dollars that almost on 1 billion dollars exceeds indicators of previous years. This historical inquiry is necessary for the review of a theme - of presence exciting us, or absence, reasons on ship canal building in Israel. At desire digression to history of Suez Canal is easy for finding today in the Internet. As a rule, the information on it is accompanied, become already norm, boastful “Pearls” Both the writing Egyptian press and echoing those mass-media of the different, interested countries. Any information on the channel is accompanied by references on”A revolution gain” And other delirium. For example: the Magazine "Al-Ahram al-Iksisadi", has reminded that the channel makes an integral part of national consciousness of Egyptians, it is identified by them with all gains of revolutions. And hardly someone undertook to approach to studying of history of Suez canal dazzling with malicious infringements of laws of economy and its operation critically. And after all inability of Egyptians correctly to concern to them, on the present national property, has allowed me to start development of a theme of building of a ship canal in Israel in 1999 year. Today Egyptians refer to the Economic crisis which has led to reduction in February, 2009 of a gain of Egypt from sea transportations through Suez Canal almost on 25 % in comparison with similar month of last year as 23.03.2009 has reported "France Press" referring to representatives of administration of the channel - one of the major world Sea transport arteries. According to the received information, in February the gain from operation of Suez Canal has decreased from 408 million dollars in February, 2008 to 302 million dollars in 2009 Number of the courts passing through the channel, has decreased for the same period with 1272 to 868. The volume of cargo transportation through the channel also has decreased. In February this indicator has made 53 million tons in comparison with 73 million tons in similar month of last year. To construct Suez Canal, initially, did not make special work since followed only connect among themselves three lakes and, using low district, to dig further - in the north to Mediterranean, and in the south to Red to the seas. 1.The basic engineering miscalculation: Already then and till now that fact is not provided that, passing on the marshland surrounding lakes, the channel will constantly grow, be filled with silt and to decrease on depth of the channel. Received additional inflows of sea water, the lakes connected among themselves, day by day, during all time of operation, are diluted and fill with the suspensions a canal. Instead of constructing drainage system, to strengthen coast, and to drain bogs, a worthless management of the channel, throughout 140 years spends huge means on not stopping deepening of a waterway of work. At channel Administration the fund in which 25 % of all total receipts for financing of capital works and permanent jobs on channel deepening are brought is created. However, despite allocated, not the small money resources, once deepened to 20 meter depths, depth of the channel again decreases. Today the channel management officially guarantees to seafarers depth of 13 meters that is maximum permissible for swimming of large-capacity fleet. Every year published by the International Sea Organization (IMO) notices inform on tens the ships, which have sat down on a bank, following Suez Canal. 2. For the reason connected with small dimensions of the channel, critical depth and constantly varying channel the Administration of Suez canal has established following restrictions: - A pilotage across Suez canal, the following from port of Said, it is carried out daily by two caravans: The first caravan goes at 23 o'clock 00 minutes, the second - at 7 o'clock 00 minutes. - Conducting across Suez Canal of the courts following from port of Suez, is carried out daily only by one caravan which 30 minutes go at 4 o'clock. All vessels which were earlier passing on the channel, should arrive to Port Said for following in the first caravan not later than 21 hours 00 minutes, in the second - not later than 4 hours 45 minutes, to request the pilot and to legalize papers on vessel pass… Etc. “During the last years incomes of Egyptians of pass of Suez canal by bulk-oil courts have decreased, as, in opinion “Experts”, trying to rescue image of the friendly country, the alternative pipeline transport constructed for swapping of oil and gas in parallel to Suez canal, and a sea route round cape of Kind Hope began to use rather a great popularity….”(Nonsense I do not make comments – Yuri G.) ”Formation of currency reserves of Egypt always occurred mainly at the expense of a gain received from export of oil (3,7 billion dollars), incomes of operation of Suez canal (2 billion dollars), remittances of the Egyptians working abroad (3 billion dollars), andincomes of tourism (4,3 billion dollars). Reduction of currency reserves of the country is caused partly by decrease in profitable receipts from the given sources on the general background of delay of rates of development of economic…”(?-Yuri G.) (“ The KUBAN STATE UNIVERSITY” Chair of anti-recessionary management, taxes and the taxation. The abstract ”Egypt in economic” Has executed by the student of 3 courses, of group 316 -Belikova A.A. –Russia-). About the services given by the Egyptian experts in conducting of foreign courts, it is possible to write novels. Till now registration of formalities for channel pass is interfaced to inconceivable red tape, mass small requisitions in mix with vandalism of the personnel rising aboard of a vessel.Their quantity is always inexplicable is great: 10-20 persons. Became norm of preparation of a vessel to pass through Suez canal when crew of the vessel, preparing to follow on the channel, welds electric welding on a deck all subjects, first of all from nonferrous metals which the so-called personnel can steal, and the senior officers of a vessel prepare a large quantity of cigarettes for a presents for the so-called experts which appetite for 140 years of work of the channel has not decreased at all.
Advantages of the Israeli project "Ship Canal Building". The channel should connect Mediterranean (Ashkelon) and Red (Eilat) the seas, having passed through desert Negev. The Geographical position of Israel and, accordingly, its ship canal the same as also Suez it is located in an isthmus zone between Mediterranean and Red by seas that is a determinative of reduction of a way of the courts following from Asia to Europe and America on the shortest way, on 5-9 thousand miles reducing distance, rather than to float round Africa. Long-term activity of Suez Canal, as though critically we did not concern its operation, has executed the primary goal: has involved in itself goods traffics of all Worlds. To us remains only, to construct the channel, considerably best on all technical and navigating indicators, rather than Suez. Unlike Suez Canal, the Israeli ship canal is laid in dry, frequently, to stony soil. It has huge advantage in front of Suez canal since we avoid the huge expenses connected with clearing of the channel, laid in marshland. Dissecting the Negev’s height in its lowest place (600 m over Sea line), are equal from the north-northwest on the south-southeast, further, using a natural hollow of the Dead Sea, and, fenced off from penetration into the Dead Sea a dam, the channel turns along a hollow on the south-southwest, in a direction of Eilat-city. Length of the channel about 252 km = 136 nav. miles Width - 500 m; Depth of a waterway -about 50 m. A channel Estimated cost -about 350-600 billion dollars Suez canal was under construction per 1859-1869 picks and shovels. Level of development of the modern industry allows to conduct building of the Israeli ship canal, undoubtedly, more modern techniques, quickly, with the account of requirements of 21st century and, with prospect on 22-nd. If heads of building consider possible to conduct channel building simultaneously from 5-10 points in the shortest terms (3-5 years) it can be started in operation. Creation of more modern conditions of navigation in the Israeli ship canal, in comparison with Suez. Primary factor of successful operation of the Israeli channel is its size. Its throughput depends on the sizes of the channel, its width and depth of its waterway. Calculation at building of similar hydraulic engineering constructions should provide that fact that their operation is planned for ever, and should consider development of world large-capacity fleet. Unlike Egypt, we cannot admit that court deadweight (load-carrying capacity) of 300 thousand tons and more. Because of impossibility of pass by Suez Canal, they follow round cape of Kind hope (round Africa). Dimensions of our channel should provide unobstructed and safe pass of large-capacity fleet. If the ships of all types can go on the Israeli channel at full speed, not strongly constrained in its width and the depth, it is the keystone to success. The sizes of the Israeli ship canal offered by me will allow ships of any type, at the approach to the channel to follow without a stop, reducing speed only for a capture aboard the pilot and representatives of boundary and customs service. The sizes of the Israeli sea ship canal allow ships not only to follow on the channel at full speed, but also in case of need to make overtaking, without fear of leaving from a waterway. Table of comparison of speed of pass by the ships of Suez and Israeli ship canals. At pass by the Israeli channel economy of time at each vessel - 10-14 hour. If to compare passableness of channels, preceding only from dimensions the Israeli variant of the channel completely will satisfy requirements of ship-owners. And consequently, it is easily possible to assume that already at the operation initial stage, the Israeli channel will allow to spend approximately 90 thousand units of fleet a year that corresponds to transportation of 4,5 billion tons of cargoes with a gain of 36 billion dollars. Through the channel will pass 25 % of total amount of world trade, the greatest part of oil transportations from area of Persian Gulf to Europe and America. But, it only a part of incomes which will be received by Israel from operation of the channel. When through our channel will pass to 20-25 % of total amount of the goods of the world and the most part of oil transportations from area of Persian Gulf to Europe and America, it is necessary to understand that the certain percent of the cargoes necessary for the country, with little effort will remain here. It is necessary to offer only the conditions favorable for investments, and foreign capitals will begin to flow in the country, as the river. What is available in view of? Egypt did not have not enough 140 years to understand that the channel and territories adjoining to it can be used not only for transfer of cargoes, and for processing going to Europe and America of cargoes. After all many of the cargoes, transported for addressees in delivery ports, there are processed in finished goods, being frequently the basic income filling budgets of these countries. As example it is served by Rotterdam, Antwerp, and Amsterdam, Hamburg. So prevents to be engaged to our country in the same? Many consignors and addressees of cargoes will be glad to reduce time of delivery of cargoes and instead of expenses to get profit on manufacture and finished goods realization a month earlier, than was earlier. Favorable conditions for investments will necessarily promote inflow of capitals, considerable quantity opening businesses, connected with processing and manufacture of a huge spectrum of the goods, to occurrence of the navigable companies which will incur delivery of small parties of cargoes to concrete addresses, is direct in ports where there are consumers. Special interests. Despite the fact that Israel has outlets in all the oceans, its fleet in the port, located on the Mediterranean coast, unable to free navigation on the shortest route to the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Without the ability to "frisk" and excessive openness to the Arab world, he does not pass the Suez Canal. It cannot respond to the economic interests and national security. Not to mention the fact that a precedent was one reason for a 6-day war, when Egypt nationalized the Suez Canal, just banned the passage of Israel Float. If Israel is a channel with these dimensions, even submarines will be able to pass from the Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean, not being seen by satellites and other technical means of tracking and espionage from foreign countries.