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Double standards of Wikipedia.

(Anti-Semitism Grimaces)

  Who does not know today the world Internet encyclopedia "Wikipedia"?
Internet very useful and necessary to all people a resource. It is created by Larri Senger and Jimmy Wales - founders of Wikipedia (2000).
  To mr. Wales definition of the purpose of creation of publicly edited encyclopedia is attributed. To mr.Senger usually attribute Counterintuitive strategy of use “Wiki” For achievement of this purpose. Wikipedia it is intended for laymen - from schoolboys to representatives of a science, religion, philosophy.

  Unlike traditional encyclopedias, such as Encyclopedia Britannica, any article does not pass formal process of an expert estimation in Wikipedia, and changes in articles become immediately visible. Any article does not belong to its founder or any other editor and is not checked by recognized authorities. Except for the several pages subject to vandalism and which are accessible to change only to certain participants or, in extreme cases, only to managers, any article can anonymously be edited or from the accounting record of the participant.

09.12.2009 I in Wikipedia had been opened a theme. It looked so: ' "The Ship canal in Israel. © Yuri Dedov (Goldman)'"

  Having granted the earth of Israel to Jews, the Creator knew that, despite a total absence in this earth of any minerals, the People of Israel will guess the riddle put by It, and at an o'clock when the doubt will confuse all nations of the world, will prove The importance once and for all.

  We are obliged to make this earth prospering and on - the present rich.
The rich country - The rich people reaching for friendship, neighbors, and in any way on the contrary.
It would not be desirable to be engaged in empty rhetoric, but the fact remains: for country prosperity stable sources of incomes should be created.

  The country cannot plan from year to year the budget focused on the donations of world Jewry and for simplification of burden of an economic situation periodically, but with a shameful constancy, to come back to a theme of increase of taxes, and turnings of social programs.

  Has burst an economic crisis. The markets have failed. And clever Jewish heads can offer nothing such that will cardinally change an economic situation. The present project was born not spontaneously. The author has come to it after the long analysis of information materials from set of sources. Studying history of the people of Israel, getting acquainted with statements of the ancient philosophers resulted in a Torah and other sacred Books, getting acquainted with weight of great projects, including history of a birth of Suez, Corinthian, Panama channels, the decision of the riddle put in the Sacred Earth Supreme came nearer. The last, turning point to start work on the project was the thought stated by Teodor Gerzl in the novel "the Earth Promised" where he has declared that there will come time when in the Jewish state even through desert the ships will go instead of camels!

  Leaning against the received knowledge, a wide experience of the seafarer, an economic education, the author has started the project. The result of the first redesigns amazes imagination! As a result of project realization "Buildings of the navigable sea channel", the state Israel will receive in treasury Unprecedented hitherto incomes. The people of Israel will have an opportunity to work and apply the richest knowledge on huge space of possibilities. In the country in times the budget will increase, and possibilities for weight of social programs will open. Will appear, unprecedented for a search of way of end of opposition between the Palestine and Israel.

  And after all right now, at the moment of the world crisis, at the moment of general confusion, there has come time of reconsideration of our position in the World, an exit from an economic crisis and long-term stagnation. One of economy organic laws consists that creation in the country of conditions favorable for investments; by all means conducts to those investments do not keep itself waiting. And at the moment of the world economic crisis when holders of huge capitals search for the global projects similar offered here, demanding multi-billion injections, and guaranteeing return to investors of the enclosed means with a big profit share, simply find. And to miss this chance, God-given, would be an inexcusable error.

  The economy organic law - On-possibility to reduce expenses, without harming to quality of the goods or services. If the goods or quality service, in the reasonable price are made, an economic component will be indispensable high, and the enterprise is successful. The organic law sane beings, - to study on good examples, to use knowledge and not to miss the chance, and, acquiring knowledge, it is obligatory to apply them in the ability to live, to use the best efforts, to follow to the treasured purpose? To perfection, helping the people and the country with their aspiration to lifting, well-being, the world and independence!

  The civil-engineering design in Israel of a ship canal, provides not only huge advantage for the Israel, but also for all countries interested in acceleration of passage of commercial courts from Asia to Europe and northern America, decrease 10 times their expenses on transportation of cargoes and increases in profits many times over, in comparison with the former route passing through Suez canal.

Project sections:

  Military-political aspect.
  Problems of the Dead Sea.
  The historical inquiry.

  23.32 09.12.2009 Theme is removed by the manager of Russian-speaking of department Wikipedia – mr. Andrey Romanenko.

  20.00 12.12. 2009 In section of Wikipedia "Discussion". I indignantly write: Wikipedia, Section: "Why the theme" the Ship canal in Israel "is cleaned?"
  And further: "Even this theme rather also is rather interesting to the Arabian world, I do not speak about normally developed countries of Europe and Asia. What has forced the mister (Tovarish) Romanenko this theme to clean?
Who will distinctly explain?
Yours faithfully, Yuri Dedov (Goldman)".

  21:54, on December, 12th 2009 (UTC) The answer: - article Placed by you "Israeli ship canal" is removed, as contradicts a number of rules of Wikipedia. Its contents are copied from page []], and copying of texts of other site in Wikipedia is forbidden without registration of the special permission. Style of article Does not correspond to an encyclopedia format also breaks norms of Russian, and the independent authoritative sources confirming the encyclopedic importance of a subject of article, are not resulted. You should familiarize with numerous rules and managements of Wikipedia carefully. User: Andrei Romanenko.

    On December, 17.00 13th, 2009 I answer: "Forgive, if I am the author of the project at whom I should ask permissions, myself?
  At whom to obtain the special permit for placing of the information on the major project of a century if I am Jury Dedov (Goldman) "unfortunately" it and has prepared?
  If the project already exists, and scientists discuss it, make recommendations, highly it estimate, and the Arabian countries widely discuss, it does not bear in itself (himself) the encyclopedic importance?

  And after all at any moment Building of the Israeli ship canal can start to be carried out! And how you, Mister Andrey Romanenko will feel, when the project is, and to write about it in Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia, it will be impossible?!
I suppose that any filigree subtleties of rules of Wikipedia have not considered. I apologies. But, then, obviously, you should prompt, and I as a legislative element, I will make amendments, and the people, will continue to get acquainted with a theme, to supplement it, to find errors or discrepancies, and the theme will live and develop. To someone it became bad what there was a theme "ship canal Building in Israel"?
  And why in the presence of obvious "mistakes" in a theme about Suez Canal, Wikipedia in your person has reconciled and does not react? Is that? - Have not noticed, or the double standard your credo?
Please, prompt that I should correct, I necessarily will execute it, but the major theme connected with peace process in the Near East, showing the Way of an exit of huge region from the economic crisis which has captured all World, to close at least not reasonably. Think, please, of it.
  I and my adherents are opened for fruitful cooperation.

Yours faithfully, Jury Dedov (Goldman) ".

  14:47, on December, 13th 2009 (UTC) - Andrey Romanenko (Manager), the answer: "Re-read my previous answer - I have nothing to add to it".

  14.12.2009. Again, without having kept, I address to the manager of Russian Wikipedia: Mister A. Romanenko, you too rest, addressing to references to rules, at all without paying attention to the submitted material. I repeat, the project "Ship canal Buildings in Israel" is prepared by me, and passes now every possible hearing and is studied by competent scientists and experts. The project in that kind about which I was going to tell to people, in any encyclopedia till this moment did not exist. Hence, and to refer to you there is nobody. But I, in the references and in the text, Yes - refer, at least, to 20 doctors of the most different sciences which have given a positive response and reports with recommendations to the government of Israel on its realization. It is unpleasant to me to observe, how you, the dear person, itself put in a foolish situation, refusing to publish it.
  Please, read all attentively, and rectify the committed error. Put the project "ship canal Buildings in Israel" in the section provided earlier. Also we will consider it as small misunderstanding.

Yours faithfully, Jury Dedov (Goldman)

  On December, 14th 2009 01:06 (UTC) Your own site is not an authoritative independent source for the information on the project which you and have prepared. Without references to sources of a subject independent of you for the further discussion is not present. Andrey Romanenko.On December, 14th 2009 01:06 (UTC) Your own site is not an authoritative independent source for the information on the project which you and have prepared. Without references to sources of a subject independent of you for the further discussion is not present. Andrey Romanenko.

  On December, 14th 2009 18.00 I Hope discussion of the project of the Israeli ship canal in the Egyptian mass-media you can be considered, how an independent source? Please: لفصل الثالث: قناة البحر الميت "الإسرائيلية".. نظرة على الخطر! , That in transfer into ours with you, Russian means: the Dead Sea "on-are Israeli" - obvious danger! And similar materials in the Arabian mass-media though take away! Or you also will carry them to INTERESTED sources? Andrey, I have paid attention to our correspondence many significant people and mass-media. Well do not put you itself in an idiotic situation, allow opening a theme! Well you do not love any part of the population of a planet, progress and development from your dislike will not stop?! It appears, hundreds people and the organizations had steady NOT a GOOD opinion on your activity. Correct a situation. The People will eternally not appeal you to healthy cooperation. Consult to the Management, lawyers, with itself, and accept, the correct decision at last is unique: Allow opening a theme "The Ship canal in Israel", Please!

All the best, Yuri Dedov (Goldman)

  I also have nothing to add, the answer is received. Certainly, I in meditation: "That it, as not desire to suppose to popularization of a theme of the project of the Israeli origin! Let he also is capable to move heaven and earth, let many it name the project of the Century. Companion Andrey Romanenko, strictly watches that Jews were not put out, even in a world wide web, even if bear to this World the blessing!”



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Vital for Israel

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Any help, both the organizations, and private persons, in any kind, somehow placing of a banner of our site, the reference to the Internet resources on our site, financial donations, would render the invaluable help in acceleration of introduction Of our project for the blessing both the Israel, and the countries of the Near East.
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