Promotion project |
Up until that time everything, what I
did for advancement of the projects, is reflected in section”About
the author”.
I was bothered with that circumstance that officials in the government and
in its environment have developed long-term strategy of callousness and
cowardice. I was bothered with their silence and absence of any answers to
my repeated references.
Henceforth, all references by which I intend to do for advancement of
projects, and also reaction to them officials or absence that, will be
published on this page. Acquaintance with this information will allow you to
analyze a situation, to draw a conclusion that occurs, why and for what.
After all in such position I am not only I one, but also the majority of
the formed people who have arrived on the historical native land with the
unique purpose to make this earth prospering, rich and safe, for the
blessing of our children.
(On a picture - leaders of the Israel, who in 2000 year have received
from me to consideration the civil-engineering design of the Israeli Ship
canal) |
29.08.09 To: Jerusalem's Home
of Korchak: korczak_home@bk.ru:
Dear sirs!
I the secular person. But something forces me to come back to the truest
granted to us - to Jews Forefathers, to live, leaning against the truest
stated in their wise, statements.
Leaning against these truest and knowledge, with the God's help it was
possible to me, it seems to come nearer in more low specified project to the
answer to a question "why there comes time of building of the third Temple".
Be tolerant, read, please, this material:
If will consider its interesting, it will mean that I followed in the
correct direction, conducted by force of knowledge, practice and the God's
As a result of realization of this project, all of us, apparently, we will
come nearer to this Major event in the history of the Jewish People.
Yours faithfully, Yury Dedov - Goldman.
(December,2009 - the answer is not present) |
31.08.09 To Rabbi, mister Kaplun:
e_kap@inter.net.il, to the editor of
the religious newspaper "Shma"
Dear sir E.Kaplun!
After search of your phone I was sincerely glad to hear your voice! Good
luck for many long years!
Today I can inform you: at last, that thank God,
my project has
been considered in the
Jerusalem house of technologies then the report with a positive response
is sent in the government.
But it is very interesting to me to know your opinion. And at a meeting,
God will give, I will have to you some questions, as to the expert on a
Sincerely yours, Jury Dedov-Goldman.
Such text 15.10.2009 was sent by rabbi Elijashiv Kaplun respected
by me
(Special gratitude to it for attempt to write in Russian):
Shalom, mister Yuri!
I read yours especial idea about building of the channel which as a result
will accelerate arrival to us the envoy divine...
I am afraid that such success which will bring to us this channel, god can
bring to us only.
While Israel will not stop all superfluous negotiations with Arabs, and
the national attention will turn round peace process with Arabs (on kind
never will be), nobody will think of the new, healthy decision - the Israeli
channel. Unfortunately!
Zay gezunt, and god also will give to you of successes in all your good
Elyashiv |
05.09.09 Message
(about the project)
for Israeli the Internet - portal
"Souz" info@souz.co.il:
Dear sirs!
The material
given to you, has met with on July,
21st, 2009 approval in the Jerusalem house of technologies and,
accompanied by a positive response of scientists, is sent the minister of
infrastructures of Landau and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, party leader
"NDI", A.Liberman with the recommendation to realization.
I will be grateful, if you consider possible to publish this material.
Yours faithfully, the Author of the project - Jury Dedov-Goldman
(December,2009 - the answer is not present) |
17.09.09 From the rabbi, mister Moshe Livshits the
answer is received:
Translation from Russian on English language: With a
great interest I have read articles of Jury Dedov (Goldman) - Deap Sea
Captain and the economist. I very much hope that shortly, with the Divine
help, its ideas
will bring the big advantage to our people!!!
Moshe Livshits. 17.09.09 |
25.09.09 Dispatch of the message on
site opening www.isracanal.com and with the request for a response and
possible popularization:
To Sergey Bargon, the head of a staff of party NDI in Ashkelon:
sergey_barg@yahoo.com, to the Doctor of economy, the head of the training
centre Sergey Vladimirovich Poliak polak@city-college.net, to the
journalist of radio "REKA"- Julia Tsodyks:
Sergey Bargon: - constant support and desire to help with
business of advancement of the
27.08.2009 (From earlier correspondence) Julia Tsodyks - Shtejnbok:
Here after all as happens - you have infected me with the
design of the channel. Today went to a museum of history of New York,
there it is told that the channel between Hudson and lake Erie - 580 km by
the way, has made the present break in the history of America. Has connected
port of New York, and so Europe to the fertile earths of the Midwest and has
opened the big prospects for trade. So it is possible to include this fact
in your saga also.
08.10.2009 (the Answer to the message) Julia Tsodyks-Shtejnbok:
Yuri! The site very
impressing, well also is professionally made, a lot of helpful information.
However, unfortunately, considering that it only Russian-speaking, for
defined - the important part of an audience it all the same is inaccessible.
Or not in it the problem consists? (The remark: At this time the English
version of a site was already created, about what Julia could not know.) |
26.09.09 Dispatch of the message on
site opening
www.isracanal.com is made for following addressees:
ludvin Anna - lati.pravo@gmail.com, Olga Puchinsky - olgarif@rambler.ru,
magazine "RIF" Edition - Rif_1 rifinfo@rambler.ru, serj sandler -
sandlerserj@gmail.com, Yelenitsky Sophia - yes2609@gmail.com, Anna
Kopylovskaja- enit60@gmail.com, Atlases Ergardt - atlasov@mail.ru, Lordly
Michael - b3ton@012.net.il, to the Chairman of the Union of writers of
Israel Bauhu Efraimu - baoch13@zahav.net.il, Bykhovsky Misha- michaelb107@walla.co.il,
Vilenchik Elion - elion.wcrj@gmail.com, Glinets Glory - slavarasp@mail.ru,
Gordon Lena- ilanagordon@mail.ru
(December,2009 - the answer is not present) |
27.09.09 Dispatch of the message on
site opening
www.isracanal.com is made for following addressees:
Dima Rozental - dudechka.68@mail.ru, cisradmin@chromalloy.com, igorpikman@yahoo.com,
irina.komsky@vishay.com, maxim.koltypin@sial.com, nicolay.tchernitsky@888holdings.com,
flinta-piratka@yandex.ru, gregorys@moag.gov.il, martin4@netvision.net.il,
irena smyk - pamanaol@gmail.com, oshamaev@yandex.ru, helen_omelchenko@hotmail.com,
Roschin roshina62@mail.ru, Rozman Igor - igorozmann@siol.com, Smartly
Vladimir vlad63@zahav.net.il, Inna alinaina@zahav.net.il, Pashinsky Evgenie
Vladimirovich evgenij-pashinskij@yandex.ru, Victor Waldberg-victor@visual.co.il,
Ilia Voitovetsky - iliavoit@netvision.net.il, Malamud Victor - malvic@netvision.net.il,
Trade Mission of Ukraine - ukrtrade2004@mail.ru, Igor Tyomkin - ityomkin@012.net.il,
tagree66@yahoo.co.uk, Dr. Patrick Yuri - toshap@bezeqint.net, Yuri&AlexFinkelshtein
- yurifi@012.net.il, yulia - gulia10@bezeqint.net, YEHUDI - mishasha@netvision.net.il,
Alik Soltanovich - solta1948@walla.com, Alla gerasimova - allager@mail.ru,
alona Shapiro - alonashapiro@gmail.com, evgenia_tk - evgenia_tk@012.net.il,
Design Studio infoKARAT - info@karatstudio.com, Kipnis - kipnism@zahav.net.il,
Kira Pevzner - info@seferisrael.co.il, cisradmin@chromalloy.com, avia@redseafish.co.il,
daniella@biolab-chemicals.com, igorpikman@yahoo.com, irina.komsky@vishay.com,
maxim.koltypin@sial.com, nicolay.tchernitsky@888holdings.com, flinta-piratka@yandex.ru,
orlyi@redseafish.co.il, shosh@biolab-chemicals.com, sofig@redseafish.co.il,
vital@redseafish.co.il, telegin@moscowoceanpark.com, gregorys@moag.gov.il,
martin4@netvision.net.il, cisradmin@chromalloy.com, avia@redseafish.co.il,
daniella@biolab-chemicals.com, igorpikman@yahoo.com, irina.komsky@vishay.com,
maxim.koltypin@sial.com, nicolay.tchernitsky@888holdings.com, flinta-piratka@yandex.ru,
orlyi@redseafish.co.il, shosh@biolab-chemicals.com, sofig@redseafish.co.il,
vital@redseafish.co.il, telegin@moscowoceanpark.com, gregorys@moag.gov.il,
(December,2009 - the answer is not present) |
27.09.09 Dispatch of the message on
site opening
www.isracanal.com is made for Biological service of firm "Red Sea- make
it easy": orlyi@redseafish.co.il, sofig@redseafish.co.il, vital@redseafish.co.il,
(December,2009 - the answer is not present)
27.09.09 Dispatch of the message on
site opening
www.isracanal.com is made for Firm "Bio-Lab-Ltd": daniella@biolab-chemicals.com,
(December,2009 - the answer is not present) |
27.09.09 Message on site opening
administrations of the Moscow's oceanarium:
(December,2009 - the answer is not present) |
29.09.09 Dispatch of the message on
site opening www.isracanal.com
is made for following addressees: christian.huber@orf.at, chikme@walla.com,
cher@echo.msk.ru, chayon@screen-dsd.de, chay@tivour.com, ceder@technion.ac.il,
ceci@ceci.org.il, carmell@mot.gov.il, bug117@mail.ru, btlab@ash-college.ac.il,
broshs@industry.org.il, boss@niagara.sun.ru, Boris Manor- bim21@bezeqint.net,
Boris- borisf@012.net.il, benis@iula.il, Boris MANOR - bim21@bezeqint.net,
benis@iula.il, bella651@walla.com, ayala.sho@gmail.com, avishy798@walla.com,
atunh@bezegint.net, atnnh@bezegint.net, Artyom Smerdov-alartss@gmail.com,
Anna SANDALOVSKY - anna_sandalovsky@yahoo.com, anka1980@walla.com, Anatoly
SOKOLOVICH - borsh13@gmail.com, anatoli KARMIEL - akarmiel64@gmail.com,
anatle1@yahoo.com, borisf@012.net.il, bella651@walla.com, ayala.sho@gmail.com,
avishy798@walla.com, atunh@bezegint.net, atnnh@bezegint.net, Artyom Smerdov
- alartss@gmail.com, Anna Sandalovsky anna_sandalovsky@yahoo.com, anka1980@walla.com,
Anatoly Sokolovich - borsh13@gmail.com, anatoli KARMIEL - akarmiel64@gmail.com,
anatle1@yahoo.com, anastassia@bbr.co.il, ana matskin anamatskin@gmail.com,
alona shapiro - alonashapiro@gmail.com, alinushe@walla.com, Alexander BROD -
brod_a@mail.ru, Alex KREDLIN - kreindlin@yahoo.com, Alex BIRMAN - box2go@gmail.com,
alex alex1952@012.net.il, alex@ohcpa.co.il, albert-mail@inbox.ru, albert_v@zahav.net.il,
albert varnowaty - varnowaty@hotmail.com, 1964michael@gmail.com, Ljubov
Rozenfeld-ronga@inbox.ru, Danchenko Maxim - maks@lagom.kiev.ua, it is left
from kiev - avakov07@mail.ru
(December,2009 - the answer is not present) |
29.09.09 Letter-gratitude to the
manager of a site www.souzveteranov.com to Alex Voitsekhovsky for
article about the channel and placing of a banner of a site
www.isracanal.com. |
29.09.09 Letter-gratitude to the
owner of a site www.ashkelon.ru to Konstantin Guterman
for article about the project of the Israel's Sea-canal and placing of a
banner of a site
www.isracanal.com |
30.09.09 Letter with
K.Gutermana's article to an economic observer of 9th channel TV,
the owner of a site www.isramir.com to Zeev Frajman with the publication
request. And gratitude for the publication. |
30.09.09 Letter-message on the report
and recommendations of scientists from
Ashdod's Houses of a Science and Technologies to Alik Soltanovich,
- the deputy of the City Council of Ashkelon from party "NDI", to rabbi
Moshe Livshits, to the active worker, the head of a staff "NDI" in
Ashkelon - Sergey Bargon, to the active worker of party "Kadima" -
Teddi Rojtih. |
01.10. 09 letter in edition of a site
"Seven-forty" (the Central Jewish resource): webmaster@sem40.ru, to
the Jewish organisations: office@jcm.md, chlenov@eajc.org, raskin@eajc.org,
maryasis@eajc.org, Kiev_of@eajc.org, razvitie.eajc@gmail.com, anahnu2005@yahoo.com,
shkolnik2002@yahoo.com, to the World congress of Russian-speaking Jewry
the message on a site www.isracanal.com, to the site of the
Russian-speaking Jewish organizations of Australia (menorah@list.ru)
with the request to familiarize and support
my site and
(December,2009 - the answer is not present) |
05.11.09 Telephone conversation with
Daud - Liberman's assistant, under my initiative, repeated, later two weeks,
after the first call.
Question from me (Further-Yu.G.): Daud, you promised to familiarize with
the project 2
weeks ago "Ship canal building in Israel", published on a site
www.isracanal.com and, then to return to me.(?)
Daud: - that?
Yu.G.: - You read?
Daud: - Yes, read.
Yu.G.: - What will tell?
Daud: - What I should tell?
Yu.G: - As you are going to arrive? I after all to you have addressed, as
to assistant A.Liberman. I wait that it will familiarize and any decision
will make: roofing felts will make an an appointment, roofing felts will be
informed by the vision on this project...(?)
Daud: - so write the letter to its office?
Yu.G: - in what office?
Daud: - in office of Minister of Foreign Affairs, I'm assistant on party
Yu.G: - I address to it, not as to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and
as to the party leader "NDI".
Daud: - I do not know, than to you to help. Write the letter to the
minister of infrastructures...
Yu.G: - Daud, you should know, what at it on a table, and at minister
Infrastructures Landau, for a long time "On a table" Reports of the Union of
Scientists with recommendations about project start lie. I will remind that
6 years ago, you personally already called to me and informed on an
appreciation Liberman of my project, and promised at once, after (those)
elections, to communicate with me for the purpose of strategy development on
project realization.
But I any more do not wish to overcome barriers which are built by you, -
assistants to the First persons of the state Israel, and I inform, what on a
site the page will be opened - A diary where I will publish henceforth
copies of the references and reaction to them, or absence that....
Daud: - who has put the report "on a table" to Liberman?
Yu. G: - Leonid Denevich...
Daud: - I learn from Denevicha, as as.
Yu. G: - Thanks, all the best!
Daud: - good-bye.
(December,2009 - the answer is not present) |
24.11.09 Under Alik Soltanovicha's
offer (the deputy of city meeting Ashkelona) I prepare the letter
addressed to the Minister of infrastructures - Iosi Landau (from party "NDI")
repeated, reminding of existence of the civil-engineering design of a
ship canal in
Israel, is enclosed to it the seminar report of Ashdod's Houses of the
Science and Technologies. 25.11.09 at A.Soltanovich's meeting undertook to
transfer to the minister this letter.
25.11.09 Alik Soltanovich has informed that a meeting was been
and the letter is handed over minister Landau. |
03.12.2009 17.00 Telephone
conversation with Avram Sharnopolskim (A.S.) - The head of the Jerusalem
house of a science and technology under my initiative.
Yu. G - Hello Avram.
A.S. - Hello, Jury.
Yu. G - Forgive for anxiety, but has passed a lot of time from the
moment of our conversation in which you promised to me to inform if any
information from the cabinet concerning project advancement "ship canal
Buildings" arrives. There can be you have the nobility any news?
A.S. - Unfortunately while than I can not please.
Yu. G - It is a pity, well then I give you the following
information: about two weeks ago we in Ashkelon had minister of
infrastructures of Landau and Alik Soltanovich has transferred it my letter
- a reminder on the
project, with the report of session enclosed to it
Ashdod's Houses of a Science and Technologies, we wait for reaction.
A.S.- By the way, Jury, I too inform you that during the nearest
time-1-2 of month at the ministry of infrastructures consulting council
where our scientists will enter will be created, and its Alik Soltanovich,
here will head and there will be at you a possibility to push and remind it
about the project, practically directly.
Yu. G. - The interesting information, many thanks!
17.20 Conversation from A.Soltanovichem. He has confirmed the
fact of forthcoming appointment and has informed that in view of a current
situation, intends to invite me to the first session of the created council
and can be to charge to me to conduct a theme of advancement of the project.
05.12.2009 Answer from Avram Sharnopolski: Jury, you big well
done I Wish you to punch a wall of silence and to achieve interest in
advancement of your interesting project. I, from its part, will try to help
you with it.
Avraam |
In the page beginning |