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User's agreement
The present Agreement regulates relations on using a site (further –“ A site”), and the physical person (further- “The user”).

  Your registration and authorization on the Site confirms your joining to the given Agreement.

  If you do not agree with the contract, please, be not registered on a site and do not confirm the contract. Any points of the contract can be changed at any moment, and changes of the given contract come into force right after. The site undertakes to inform the user on any changes in advance.

  Minors cannot become users of a site. At the moment of registration you confirm that to you 18 years were executed.

  Your user agreement can be stopped you or a site at any moment without the prior notification of other party, and without assigning any reasons. The site has the right to limit your access in case of any infringement of this contract, and as in case of infringement of laws in force by you.

  The site mass media, However the Administration of the Site does not carry out editing of the information placed on a site by users, and does not bear responsibility for its maintenance.

  On a site the copyright and connected with it, the personal property and non-property rights is respected and protected. Use of materials without the consent of the author, is supposed only in the cases established by the law.

  You understand and recognize that, having placed the information on a site independently represent and protect the interests arising in connection with placing of the information in the relation of the third parties.

You confirm your consent with following points of the present agreement:

  1. You incur a private responsibility for reliability of the data given by you.
  2. You have no right to give any of the listed types of information on Site pages: insults, slander, obscene expressions, pornographic or other immoral materials; the materials showing or propagandizing cruelty, terror or violence; the materials offending human advantage or religious feelings, and also any other materials breaking the current legislation.
  3. You bear a private responsibility for the maintenance of the information and the materials published by you on the Site, for safety and confidentiality of the data necessary for your authorization on the Site.
  4. You have no right to advertise any services or the goods of any character or to advertise firm or a site without the preliminary consent of administration of the Site
  5. In your profile of the user, and on all other pages of a site you have no right to place the information which would be связанна with the infringements listed in item 2.
  6. Using a site is personal, and you undertake not to transfer using possibility the account to other person, and to create additional the account.
  7. You have no right to extend or copy the information published on a site without the written permission of administration of a site. All rights to publications are protected by the law on the author's property in the state Israel.
  8. You personally are responsible for the maintenance of communication with other users, by means of site options since it is only a dialogue mean between you and the third party.
  9. You transfer administrations of the Site the exclusive right to reproduce, extend, translate, alter, and also to publish the materials added by you on the Site.
  10. You undertake not to break copyrights of the third parties at the publication of images, messages, texts or any other materials on a site, and in case of publications you on a site of the materials breaking copyrights of the third parties, you bear full responsibility for the given infringements.
  11. In case as a result of the publication you on a site of the materials breaking copyrights of the third parties, and them will submit the claim against site administration, you undertake to compensate to a site all damage and the expenses which have resulted your illegal actions.
  12. You agree that the site has the right to send you the information, by means of e-mail, connected with a site and its services.
  13. You agree that in case of placing of the information by you which distribution is limited or is forbidden by laws in force, the Site administration can or take out to you the prevention and remove such information, or remove your accounting record, or apply one or several measures simultaneously.

Responsibility restriction

The administration of a site does not bear any responsibility for:

  1. The caused damage to someone from users the third party.
  2. The maintenance of advertising materials and announcements on site pages.
  3. Technical malfunctions which can cause not correct work of a site.
  4. A trespass, damage, loss of the information or for causing of any other costs arising at operation by a site.
  5. The damage caused by you to any user of a site (by means of photos, messages or any other information placed on pages of a site). In case of claim giving on site administration, you are obliged to compensate the claim in an unconditional order.
  6. Infringement of author's and other rights of the third parties by you, by publication of materials and the images inappropriate to the current legislation (including author's), in case of a presentation of the claim to the Site upon infringement of copyrights, you incur full responsibility for placed by you on the Site, materials.

  The given agreement is made duly and according to the current legislation, in case of claim giving, trial occurs exclusively on the location of firm, the owner of the Site.


In the page beginning



Economic independence of Israel

Total answers: 1







Any help, both the organizations, and private persons, in any kind, somehow placing of a banner of our site, the reference to the Internet resources on our site, financial donations, would render the invaluable help in acceleration of introduction Of our project for the blessing both the Israel, and the countries of the Near East.
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Z-temporary off
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Use of materials of a site without the written permission is forbidden.