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Considerable step forward!
עמותה "בית טכנולוגיה ומדע באשדוד" (ע"ר)
רח' הראשונים 43 ת.ד 272 אשדוד 77240
טל: 0503013865
16/09/2009 Ashdod

The Ashdod’s House of the Science and Technologies.

  Theme of a scientific seminar:
“Consideration of a problem of building of a ship canal in Israel”.

  Were present:

  1. Belenky Dmitri - The professor, Dr.Sci.Tech.
  2. Berson Mark - The Doctor of Philology.
  3. Beliavski Arkadi - The magister of economy.
  4. Zul Nikolay - The professor, Dr.Sci.Tech.
  5. Kaz Leonid - Dr.Sci.Tech.
  6. Kirichenko Ninel - The magister of engineering science.
  7. Koz Vulf - Dr.Sci.Tech.
  8. Milov Michail - Dr.Sci.Tech. (Photo)
  9. Raikhman Yakov - The doctor of medical sciences.
  10. Rubenchik Yuli - The professor, Dr.Sci.Tech.
  11. Chetyrbotskaya Inna - The doctor of Sci.geology - mineralogy.
  12. Shulman Semen - The professor, Sci. Economy.

  Listened to Milov Michael's Report on a theme: “Yuri Goldman's project - about ship canal building in Israel”.
  During report discussion many questions, concerning most various aspects of a considered problem have been set, including technical, connected with a line lining (The professor Y.Rubenchik); Economic, mentioning expediency of the project and its profitability, and also financing sources (The professor S.Shulman); Ecology questions (The professor N.Zul); Principles of mutual relations with Egypt and with other world (The Doctor M.Berson), and others.

  Having heard and having discussed the project, have decided:

  - The project to approve and, considering its special importance for economy of Israel, the decision of problems of employment and geopolitical questions, to direct the given Report directly addressed to Premieres- minister to Mr. B.Netaniagu, and a copy - to the Minister of the industry and trade to Mr. Benjamin Ben Elieizer.
  -According to participants of a seminar the project is global on the scales capable, in the conditions of world crisis, to involve foreign investments in unprecedented hitherto the sizes, to give thousand workplaces, for many years allowing considerably to increase the state budget, to improve ecology of the south of the country, to promote desert Negev development.
  - Besides, project realization will help to solve and a number of problems of the international navigation, will allow will raise a country role in global economy, will give the chance the optimum decision of many problems in mutual relations with the leading Arabian countries, including considerably will soften the Palestine - Israeli opposition.
  - The seminar considers necessary immediately to collect competent representatives of the Ministries of Economics, of the finance and of the trade for preparation of corresponding recommendations of Premieres- minister.

  -The chairman of a seminar: Rubenchik Yuli - The professor, Dr.Sci.Tech, The winner of the State awards of the USSR and Ukraine, the Deserved inventor of Russia.
  -The secretary of a seminar: N. Kirichenko

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