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Incident: "Hold the channel more widely!"
Serj Ryjkin (”Comersant”-magazine)

The Russian tanker has got stuck and has corked Suez Canal, cut off Europe from the Arabian oil - Oil will jump up in the price. (Not so long ago, but it is rather actual!)

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  Suez Canal -The narrowest part of a route of the majority of the tankers supplying with Near-Eastern oil Europe,- It has appeared blocked as a result of tanker failure ” Tropic Brilliance”, belonging to the Russian state company "Sovkomflot". Because of failure from northern and southern directions in Suez 135 ships have accumulated. If such jam not to liquidate during a maximum of two days, oil in the European market can rise in price for $1, 5 for barrel, and the largest Oil refining factories will reduce manufacture of automobile fuel because of deficiency of raw materials. To pay off for the failure which is cutting off Europe from deliveries of oil, it is necessary the owner of a vessel or the company which have given the pilot: Claims will be shown not only by the government of Egypt, but also by the shipping companies and the oil companies which incur losses because of default of own contracts.

  Companies "Sovkomflot" ("Modern commercial fleet", 100 % of actions belong to the state) 55 ships of various types the general deadweight of 3, 9 million tons belong - Basically tankers for transportation of oil and mineral oil.”Tropic Brilliance”- One of four tankers of a series”Tromso”, constructed on South Korean shipyard”Hyundai” In 1991-1992. The vessel in length of 273, 76 m and deadweight almost 155 thousand tons has a double board and a double bottom. It is maintained under flag of Liberia. Last planned repair has passed in October, 2004 in port of Bahrain.

  How has told to ”Comersant”-magazine The deputy the chief of department of operation of fleet of Open Society "Sovkomflot" Andrey Novikov, incident has occurred in second half of day on November, 6th. “Tropic Brilliance” With the Russian crew of villages on a bank approximately in three miles to the north from Ismailia (on 73rd kilometer of Suez Canal) at maneuvering with the Egyptian pilot onboard. Under data”Comersant”-magazine, at the tanker the steering has refused. The vessel loaded in 142, 5 thousand tons of oil, followed from the Kuwaiti port the Mina-Saud to Gulf of Mexico- This flight was custom-made the companies ”Gulf Agency Company”. "As a result of incident anybody from crewmen has not suffered, cargo tanks of a vessel are not damaged also threats to environment are not present"-Mister Novikov has underlined.

  Suez Canal in the widest place has only 169 meters, and simultaneous movement of courts on it is possible only in one party. Sowing on a bank”Tropic Brilliance” It was developed across the channel, having paralyzed movement on it. At the moment of number delivery in the press, according to “Reuters” agency, around the channel 135 courts have accumulated. It is the first so serious incident on full закупориванию in Suez Canal for the last almost 30 years. Last time the channel was blocked in 1967 during the Arabian - Israeli war and has been again opened in 1975.

  Failure of the Russian vessel has serious consequences both for the oil market, and for the company. The losses suffered by Egypt (with 1956 is one of the major sources of the income of the budget of the country. ”Comersant”-magazine), for two days have made $14 million

  Across Suez Canal transportation of mineral oil from Persian Sulf in all European ports is carried out. On the average through it passes about 50 courts a day. If in the nearest some days delay in delivery does not stop, the oil rise in price in Europe can make to $1, 5 for barrel. As practice shows, in such rise in price result similar decrease in deliveries of oil from Iraq at a rate of 300 thousand barrels a day. Through Suez canal passes about 20 % of all oil delivered to Europe and 7, 5 % of all world transportations are carried out by the sea.

  Not less serious problems expect also the company. "From the suffered cargo owners claims in which frameworks claimants will try to arrest property of the respondent worldwide" for certain will be made? Has declared”Comersant”-magazine ex general director of «Sovkomflot", and nowadays the councilor of federation Dmitry Skarga. According to the most conservative estimates, claim requirements can make about $2 million Mister Skarga says, what though possible costs are easily covered by the insurance (insurance of the case and mechanisms of ”Tropic Brilliance” Carries out the London club J.L.T “Risk Solutions”, responsibility - The Norwegian “Skuld”.- ”Comersant”-magazine), next year insurance rates for "Sovkomflot" will increase several times. Now expenses of the company on insurance make about $5 million a year.

  The general director of "Sovkomflota" Sergey Frank has refused to make comments on consequences of failure for the company." For us it is now more important, as soon as possible to liquidate state of emergency "-Has told for ”Comersant”-magazine One of managers of "Sovkomflot". According to the interlocutor ”Comersant”-magazine, shipment of oil last night has begun with ”Tropic Brilliance” On two auxiliary Egyptian tankers. The simplification of the tanker on 20-25 thousand т will allow to refloat it and by means of tows to deduce from the channel in a safe place. According to the interlocutor ”Comersant”-magazine, on Tuesday movement of courts across Suez can be restored. However, representatives ”Leth Suez” (The Norwegian company operating operation of Suez canal) could not tell, when the tanker ”Tropic Brilliance” It will be refloated, and movement on the channel is restored in full. According to mister Heni, one of managers of ”Leth Suez” In Suez, on failure liquidation can leave about several days. At the moment the vessel bottom is investigated by divers, on results of their work depends, what engineering decision will be accepted for removal ”Tropic Brilliance” From a bank. Mister Heni has told that all claims in connection with incident will be formulated not earlier, than movement on the channel will be restored and the Egyptian commission will establish causes of accident. And the respondent can become as "Sovkomflot", and ”Leth Suez”.

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