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سرائيل تبحث تنفيذ قناة بديلة لقناة السويس
Israel is considering an alternative to the Suez Canal!

Osama Fouad - The owner of the site.

  Dr. Shehata Megauri water resource expert, former president of the University of Menoufia, confident that Israel will attempt to implement the draft navigation channel in the guise of the project "Bahrain" (Israeli-Jordanian project replenish the Dead Sea canal from the Red). He said the draft navigation canal between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, is 380 kilometers, starting from the port of Haifa on the Mediterranean Sea to the Dead Sea, and that the project would pose a direct threat to the Suez Canal.

  He added that Israel has repeatedly raised the issue of the project channel, but the General Assembly of the United Nations then recommended that the World Bank does not finance the project. The reason that influenced the decision to close the project, it is confidence in the expected environmental damage in the form of influence on the change in sea currents, which adversely affect the fisheries, flora and fauna of the Mediterranean Sea. Then, these arguments led to the closure of the project. But in light of political developments in the region of the Dead Sea, the project unexpectedly welcomed Jordan and the Palestinian Authority. They found a loophole to get funding - the project is accepted, both parties cooperate for peace

  Comments Megauri came after the approval by the World Bank project financing channel that connects the Gulf of Aqaba and the Dead Sea in the interests of Israel and Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, intended to generate electricity and desalinate water, and not for navigation, since most of the channel is a tube.
  Shehata Megauri said: Fears that the project "Bahrain" will be supported by the World Bank, justified. This channel is sure to damage Egypt, and the negative impact this project will feel all the countries of the region, Israel included.

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