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Russia-Iran, cooperation...
... Providing building of a ship canal. (It is printed in reduction)

  Considerable success on a way of the Russian-Iranian cooperation is participation of Russia in creation of the Iranian companion “Zokhra”. In October, 2005 the Russian carrier rocket has put from the Starting space platform” Plesetsk” into orbit the Russian-Iranian companion ”Sina-1”, called to provide a television announcement.

  Trade volumes between Iran and Russia have increased from 600 million dollars in the mid-nineties almost to two billion dollars in 2004. However hardly probable both parties can be satisfied by the given indicator - after all it only ненамного exceeds goods turnover between the USSR and Iran of 1974! And if to mean volume of the Russian trade with Turkey (more than 10 billion a dale. In a year) and Israel (from above 6 billion a dale.) the considerable potential of growth is obvious. As on a share of the Iranian export the one twentieth part of goods turnover is necessary only. The most part of this trade is made by the Russian export which includes metallurgy production, a paper, a cardboard, the military equipment, and also the equipment for atomic engineering, moorings and floating platforms.

  Iran sells to Russia fruit, the pistachios, the processed fruit-and-vegetable products, tobacco, mineral and some building materials. ”Iran Hodro” - The greatest Car factory company of Iran - has developed sedan Samand taking into account environmental conditions of Russia and, having begun with deliveries of 3 thousand such cars in 2006, intends to reach within 3-5 years 20 thousand.

  The basic part of the Russian export to Iran mainly goes at first by rail to Astrakhan, and then - across Caspian Sea to the Iranian coast. The Iranian goods get to Makhachkala also a waterway, and then are delivered in the central part of the country on freight trains. Goods transportation exclusively by rail is possible only through a Turkmen border station of Serahs. As the width of a railway track in Russia and Iran is various, this station where the equipment for change of wheels of trains is established can pass daily no more than 200 cars.

  Therefore the question on a transport corridor the North - the South costs today in the first points of the Russian-Iranian agenda. This route should provide delivery of the goods from Europe in Southern and South East Asia and on the contrary through territories of Russia and Iran. He will allow to increase four times volume of the cargoes taken through the Iranian territory, having finished it to 10 million tons a year. Besides, the project provides creation of a navigable line in Caspian Sea and expansion of ports of both countries, a lining of a highway round Caspian Sea, and also development of a railway system of the countries-participants. The agreement on a transport corridor the North - the South was already signed by such countries, as Russia, Iran, Oman, India, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan; more than ten countries of Europe and Asia have expressed readiness to join it.

  As possible routes of transportation of the goods from the Asian countries to Russia through Iran in 3-4 times are shorter present, Moscow considers their rather favorable. Now, owing to that that the proportion between the Russian and Iranian export is expressed by a parity 20:1, cargo sea transport which delivers the Russian goods in the Iranian ports, comes back empty though could be used under transit cargo from India and South East Asia. If the corridor the North - the South earns, time of delivery of such goods from South East Asia to the Western Europe will be reduced, at least, to 3-4 days, and expenses will fall to 15-20 %.

  Both parties do not exclude that in the future there will be a question on ship canal building between Caspian sea and Persian gulf. The parties consider that realization of the similar project (by the way, already prepared in Iran) will change geography of world sea navigation in the same degree in what it was affected by a lining of Suez and Panama channels (!) the Big future can have use of a waterway from the Iranian ports across Caspian sea to Southern Europe (through Volga-Don the channel), and also in the Scandinavian countries and Northern Europe (through Belomorkanal and across Baltic sea). Operation of sea lines in Caspian Sea - one of the important purposes of the transport project”Nostrak”, developed under the aegis of the United Nations Organization on industrial development.

  The major marks in development of the Russian-Iranian power cooperation are the Russian investments into a gas deposit Southern Pars, participation of the Russian company ”Tekhnopromexport” In such projects, how building a great Power Station “ Shahid Mohammed Montazeri” In Isfahan and Power Station ”Ramin” In Ahvas, and also a construction of the first coal Iranian power station”Tabas”. In 2004 RAO “ES of Russia” And the Iranian company”Tavanir” Have signed the memorandum of cooperation in the field of electric power industry which provides synchronization of power supply systems of two countries. The big role is taken away to cooperation between power stations of Russia, Iran and Azerbaijan.

  At the same time Russia sees in Iran the potential competitor in the field of deliveries of energy carriers. For this reason very much the great value has the offer of the spiritual leader of Iran Sejeda Ali Hamenei about creation of a gas alliance participation in which would help to strengthen influence of both countries in the world. This idea has caused ambiguous reaction in Moscow but if Teheran makes serious efforts on an explanation and advancement of the given project from a source of rivalry and friction the gas factor will turn to a basis for cooperation at regional and international levels.

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