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The navigating channel (?) in Nikaragua !
Nicaragua has suggested the Russian Federation
to participate in ship canal building.

(On January, 18th, 2010.)


From link:

  The deputy minister of foreign affairs of Nicaragua Koronelem Kauttsem at a meeting with the deputy minister of transport of Russia Sergey Aristov has suggested Russia to take part in building in territory of Nicaragua of a ship canal between Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, have informed in the press-service of Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

  “The Nicaraguan party has suggested a Russian side to participate in building of the channel passing on territory of Nicaragua and must connect Pacific and Atlantic oceans”, - the interlocutor of ITAR-TASS has told. By an expert estimation, project cost makes 18 billion dollars.

  Mr. Aristov has noticed that this question will demand additional study taking into account the changed economic conditions, a financial situation in the world, and also in connection with the beginning of reconstruction of Panama Canal.

  On a plan of authors of the project, the channel in the general extent in 280 km large vessels can use displacement of 250 thousand tons.

  Besides, Kautts has invited the Russian companies to participate in building in Nicaragua of railways, and also in airport modernization in capital Nicaragua, a city of Managua. As he said, local authorities are ready to create the private operating company for airport development.

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