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The story of the Israel’s seaman.
The Israel's seamen: "the Ukrainian officials it is more terrible than pirates!"

10.05.2009 Shimon Briman

  Extortion from outside the Ukrainian port employees and danger of attack of pirates in Indian ocean - two "headaches" of the Israeli merchant marine fleet. The Russian-speaking officer of the Israeli navigable company tells about methods of a profit of the Ukrainian officials.

  Having returned to Haifa, the young Russian-speaking officer of merchant fleet has told to portal IzRus interesting details of swimming of the Cargoship from Black sea to Indian ocean and Yellow sea (Far East). The ship with the Israeli command made some months detour of various ports of Romania, Ukraine, Egypt, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, China and South Korea.

  The interlocutor of portal IzRus has noted distinctions concerning port officials of the different countries. In the Far East not only did not demand bribes, but even refused gifts and an entertainment onboard. The behavior of the Egyptian pilots, a spending vessel through Suez Canal became a complete antithesis - they without ceremony demanded blocks of the most expensive cigarettes.

  But, according to the Russian-speaking officer, actions Ukrainian port serving in the port of Ilyichevsk near Odessa was especially scandalous. Employees of this largest cargo port of Ukraine perceive each vessel, as a source of a personal profit. The whole delegations of various departments, including fire service and quarantine service aboard direct. Each official openly demands numerous gifts.

  Without suspecting that some members of the Israeli command perfectly understand Russian, Ukrainians, without hesitating, discussed directly onboard a vessel: "the Ship new, at all of them is perfectly in order, at what to carp?". Then one of the checking has declared to the captain: "At you the smoke from a pipe has not absolutely that shade which is put under the instruction". The conversation passed in English, and the Ukrainian has directly declared: or you double "gifts" with whisky and cognac, or I make the official report about "infringements". The captain, knowing "customs" of the Ukrainian port employees, has easy answered: or you take that already faces to you, or write any official reports anywhere and be cleaned from here. The official has left from a vessel, loaded with expensive drinks and cigarettes.

  One of local employees, taking out from vessel heavy packages with "gifts" in the total cost of 300-400 dollars, has noticed on a deck прорезиненные gloves. She has declared that will not leave a vessel while they will not receive.

  One more unforgettable episode has been connected with the Ukrainian flag over the Israeli trading vessel. On a casual oversight, the flag of Ukraine at the moment of arrival in the port of Ilyichevsk has been hung out on the contrary: dark blue color from below, and yellow - from above. As the interlocutor of portal IzRus has told, in any other country port employees simply would ask to move a flag in the correct image. But for the Ukrainian officials it began an occasion to demand one more block of expensive cigarettes - under the threat to inflate the international scandal.

  After dialogue with the Ukrainian officials vessel passage through the waters of Somalia teeming with pirates, not seemed to the Israeli crew challenge any especially any more...

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